Thursday, August 9, 2012

Crockpot Creamy Ranch Pork Chops

Photo courtesy of
I saw this recipe on and decided to give it a try last night since my boyfriend and I were both working late and I knew I wouldn't want to cook when I got home. It's super simple, requiring only 3 ingredients, really inexpensive to make, AND the crockpot does all the work for you!

All you need is:
Pork chops
1 pack Hidden Valley Ranch dry seasoning mix
1-2 cans cream of chicken soup*
1-2 cans of water*

Mix ingredients well, pour into crockpot, add pork chops. And that's it!

*Depends on the size of your crock pot and how many pork chops you're making. I made 4 thinly sliced pork chops and used 1 1/2 cans of cream of chicken soup and very little water because I wanted the liquid to cover the chops and it to be somewhat thick like gravy- it's completely up to you.

This dish is great because you can serve it with whatever side(s) you want. I made some rice and a salad when I got home and used the left over liquid as sort of a gravy to top the porkchops and rice with.

I think I'm going to try this recipe with chicken sometime, also- just an idea. Let me know how it turns out if you try it first.

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